When to review your auto insurance policy

Most people have a yearly auto insurance policy. When it is time for you to renew, you will either get a digital or a paper copy of your auto insurance renewal. The front page of the policy will be the declaration page. At Abney Insurance in Winter Garden, FL, we are an independent insurance agency, and we understand that our customers deserve our full attention and customer service. 

Reviewing Your Auto Insurance Policy

The declaration page is an overview of your auto policy all on one page. The people who are listed on the policy will be here. The amount of liability coverage you have will be listed. It will also show any optional coverage that you may have. It records your cars on the page and what the coverage is on each. With this information at your fingertips, an ideal time to review your auto policy. 

When you add a new vehicle to your policy, it is also a good time to review your coverage. Is your new car an additional vehicle or is it a replacement vehicle?  Who is going to be the primary driver? Look over the coverage that you have and determine if it is right for the new vehicle you are adding. 

When you add a new driver, that is also a good time to check what your coverage is. Is it a young driver? Do you have enough liability coverage?  Will this driver be assigned to a specific vehicle? These are all important questions, and they will help determine your premium. 

When you are checking over your policy, be sure to look at the discounts you are getting and make sure that you are getting all you are entitled to. 

Contact Us Today

Give us a call today at Abney Insurance in Winter Garden, FL, when you have questions or concerns about your auto insurance coverage. 

Why your home-based business needs commercial insurance

Home-based businesses are increasingly popular. Not having to pay for a brick-and-mortar location is a big cost saver and allows many people to start businesses that might not be able to raise the money needed to rent a building. At Abney Insurance in Winter Garden, FL, we understand the risks that all businesses face, and we are in a position to help our customers to get the right commercial insurance to protect their business. 

Why your home-based business needs commercial insurance

Property coverage

Home property coverage is not designed to cover your business. While you may get some limited coverage from your home policy, it may not be adequate to replace the things that you have lost. You need a commercial policy designed to protect the assets that your business has that may be stored in your home or in your home office. 

Liability coverage

If customers or clients are visiting you at your home, you need to have commercial liability insurance to protect you. If someone is injured while visiting you, your home insurance does not protect you. If you get sued by a client or a vendor, this is definitely outside the scope of your home insurance. Commercial liability insurance can offer you the protection that you need to have a viable home business. 

Auto insurance

Most auto insurance policies will not cover your vehicle if you are using it for business. Even if it is mostly for private use, you can’t use it for business and expect to be covered. 

Business interruption insurance

This insurance can help your business to survive if you are not able to do business for a covered reason. It can save your home business. 

Give Us A Call

Contact Abney Insurance in Winter Garden, FL to discuss the types of commercial insurance that your home-based business needs to have to be protected. 

Home Insurance in Florida: Do I need it if I’ve paid off my mortgage?

Congrats on paying off your mortgage! One less bill to worry about, right? But even if you’ve paid off your home loan, you might still wonder whether you need to continue to carry home insurance. Our insurance experts at Abney Insurance in Winter Garden, FL is here to help. 

Home Insurance After Paying Off Mortgage

Florida homeowners insurance is not required by law if you own your home outright and there is no mortgage on the property. However, just because it’s not required doesn’t mean it’s not a good idea.

There are many reasons why you might want to keep carrying your home insurance policy even after your mortgage is paid off. For one thing, home insurance can protect you from unforeseen circumstances such as storms, fires, and theft. If your home is damaged or destroyed, your home insurance policy can help you pay for repairs or replacement costs. Without homeowner’s insurance, you will need to pay for repairs out of your own pocket.

Furthermore, most homeowners associations (HOAs) require members to carry some level of home insurance even if their mortgage has been paid off. So if you’re part of an HOA, check with your HOA board to see what kind of coverage they require.

Contact Us Today

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to keep carrying home insurance after your mortgage is paid off is up to you. However, we recommend that you at least consider maintaining some coverage for your Winter Garden, FL home. Home insurance can protect you from unexpected events and also may be required by your HOA. If you have any questions about whether or not home insurance is right for you, contact Abney Insurance, and we’ll be happy to help!

Planning a Road Trip? Follow These Tips to Stay Safe

Road trips can be a lot of fun unless an accident happens. Fortunately, there are many things that you can do to minimize your risk of an accident when you are out on a road trip. Read along as Abney Insurance, serving the greater Winter Garden, FL area, provides tips on how to stay safe while on a road trip. 

Road Safety Tips

Have Your Car Inspected Before You Head Out on the Road

Any time you are going on a road trip, you want to have your car inspected. The tires, fluids, and belts should all be inspected to ensure your car is in safe working order. 

Create a Route Ahead of Time

Another tip to help you stay safe on the roads is to create a route before you head out on the roads. Always plan a route ahead of time so you are familiar with the route you will be traveling. Share your route with at least one person. 

Take Plenty of Breaks Along the Way

Anytime you are planning a long road trip, make sure you take plenty of breaks. You want to ensure you stop and get meals, stay hydrated, and stretch your legs. If possible, change drivers to help prevent fatigue. 

Get Plenty of Sleep

Lastly, get plenty of sleep before you head out on your road trip. Dozing off at the wheel is the cause of many accidents. Ensuring you get lots of sleep and pulling over to rest when needed can help you avoid this problem. 

Get Insurance Coverage For Your Vehicle

If an accident does happen, you want to ensure you have an auto insurance policy that fully protects you and your car. At Abney Insurance, serving the greater Winter Garden, FL region, we can help you find the best auto insurance for your needs.

Reach out to us today to learn more. 

How Does Commercial Insurance Benefit Your Business?

Abney Insurance is pleased to offer commercial insurance to our business owners in the greater Winter Garden, FL area. Every business should have commercial business insurance, though the types of coverage they need can vary from business to business.

Here are a few of the ways that commercial insurance can benefit your business:

Protects Against Lawsuits

Commercial insurance can protect you against lawsuits. If someone slips and falls on your property or sues your business for breach of contract, the insurance will step in and help supplement the attorney’s fees, ensuring a lawsuit does not destroy your business. 

Covers Employees Who Are Injured On the Job

Commercial insurance typically includes workers’ compensation insurance. This type of insurance policy helps to pay for lost wages, medical expenses, and monetary compensation for permanent injuries that employees may face due to injuries they sustained on the job due to accidents. 

Guards Against Property Damage

Commercial insurance protects against property damage and property loss. This includes coverage for vandalism, theft, and some acts of God, such as fires. 

Helps When the Unexpected Prevents You From Doing Business

Lastly, if your business has to unexpectedly shut down, commercial insurance may help to cover the lost revenue that your business would have made during those days. This typically occurs if there is a public emergency, such as a fire or earthquake, or if your building caught on fire. 

Get Coverage For Your Business Today

Commercial insurance can benefit your business in a number of different ways, depending on the specific items you decide to cover with your commercial insurance policy. If you are in the market for a new policy in the greater Winter Garden, FL area, Abney Insurance would love to help. Reach out to us today to learn how to get started. 

How Often Should I Review My Home Insurance Policy?

At Abney Insurance, serving the greater Winter Garden, FL area, we can help residents purchase a home insurance policy. One of the questions our customers often ask us is how frequently they should review their home insurance policy to ensure it still meets their needs. Here is the answer to that question. 

After Completing a Home Renovation or Remodeling Project

After completing a home renovation or remodeling project, the home’s size, layout, and materials used in your home may change. A home insurance policy helps cover the cost of returning your home to its pre-accident state after an unexpected event occurs. Home renovation or remodeling project costs can change with the value of your home. You will want to bring it back to its pre-accident state, which means you may need more coverage.  

When It Is Time to Renew Your Home Insurance Policy

Additionally, it is highly recommended that you review your home insurance policy at least once a year. Most people think about this when it is time to renew their home insurance policy. This can be a great time to review your policy and ensure it still meets your need while pricing out new policies to ensure you are paying a fair and competitive amount for the policy you currently hold.  

If you have recently completed a home renovation or remodeling project, or if it is time to renew your home insurance policy, Abney Insurance, serving the greater Winter Garden, FL area, can review your home insurance policy to ensure your policy still meets your needs. Call us today to schedule an appointment.