Three Risks Home Insurance Can Protect Against

Home insurance can protect your home against various risks, ranging from bad weather to break-ins. Here are three risks that most homeowners’ policies cover if a house is damaged or destroyed.

1. Natural Disasters

One of the most important risks that home insurance can protect against is certain natural disasters. Should your home be damaged by severe weather or other disasters, your policy may pay to repair the damage.

In Winter Garden, FL, it’s especially important to make sure your policy includes coverage for high winds and hurricanes. We at Abney Insurance can help you find a policy that does.

You should also be aware that two potential disasters normally aren’t covered by standard homeowners policies. Both floods and earthquakes are excluded by most of these policies. If you need coverage for flooding, we can find a policy through the National Flood Insurance Program or private market. Coverage for earthquakes is also available but less commonly purchased in Winter Garden, FL.

2. Fire and Smoke Damage

A fire is a devastating event that can lead to a significant loss of property and life. Home insurance policies usually include coverage for damage caused by fire and smoke, providing funds for repair, replacement, and even temporary accommodation while your home is restored.
Loss of life, of course, falls under life insurance. We at Abney Insurance often recommend getting at least enough life coverage to pay your mortgage off (and likely more).

3. Theft and Vandalism

Theft and vandalism can occur unexpectedly, leading to substantial repair and replacement costs. Home insurance may help repair any damage done during a burglary and assist with replacing what’s stolen.

Secure Your Home with Confidence

Contact our agents today to ensure your home insurance covers the risks you need.